Can you wash and clean Muay Thai shin guards: How to (AVOID Doing This!)

If you’ve been following the world of Muay Thai for a while, you’ve probably heard about shin guards. The term “shin guard” comes from Japanese words meaning “leg protector” or “shin-guard.” Muay Thai is an intense sport and this protection is needed.

Muay Thai shin guards

After a while, they can get dirty though as you sweat a lot when you wear them. Let’s discuss how you can clean Muay Thai shin guards. 

What is a Muay Thai shin guard?

A Muay Thai shin guard is a protective device designed to shield your legs from the kicks of combat sports. 

The shin guard is usually made of foam, rubber or plastic, and is designed to keep your shin from getting a serious hit from a kick or a punch from another competitor. For the most protection, you should wear a pair of shin guards when you’re in a Muay Thai class. 

How to clean Muay Thai shin guards

 Here are some tips on how to clean Muay Thai shin guards.

Check the material that the shins are made of.

-If they are made out of foam you should hand wash the shins. They can’t go in the washing machine!  Don’t use bleach and don’t iron them. They generally can’t withstand temperatures above 40 degrees or 100 degrees Fahrenheit. For this reason, you shouldn’t use hot water when you wash them. 

Foam shin guards

Start with laying them outside so that they can dry. Avoid direct sunlight on them. Once this is done, we can wash them.

It is possible to use some soap but don’t overdo it. You can use a soft brush to remove stains. Don’t use too much water when you wash them.

Once this is done, you can let them air dry for a few hours. Inspect the shin guard to make sure that they are not damaged after you have washed them. 

 – If they are made out of leather: 

Leather shin guards

Don’t place them in the washing machine!

You can clean the outside part with a leather cleaner. There are special products for this on the market. You can also use a damp cloth without soap.

The velcro can be cleaned with a toothbrush. Don’t use too much water on this part.

The inside of the shins can get quite dirty as you sweat a lot in this part. Don’t use vinegar on it as this can smell. Let this part dry after you have used them. You can use a cloth with some soap to clean it. Don’t use too much soap or water! You can also use baking soda on it. This removes the smell and can make them feel brand new again. 

You can also get disinfecting gel if needed. 

Once this is done, you can air dry them. Don’t place them in the washing machine or dryer. 

You can do this after every training to avoid problems. Most people don’t do this often enough and this can result in an annoying feeling. 

Make sure that you dry your shin guards after every training to avoid mold and other problems. 

Don’t use scented oils or vinegar

Shampoos, conditioners, and other products with scented oils, vinegar, and other irritants can cause problems and should be avoided.

 – Don’t use lotions or splashes that contain oil, water, or alcohol. Even if they say they don’t have water in them, most oil-based products are still going to be too messy for your shins. 

Can I put my Muay Thai shin guards in the washing machine?

Many people are afraid to put their Muay Thai shin guards in the washing machine for various reasons. They might be worried about the chemicals in the wash causing damage to their shin guards, or they might not know how.

Shin guards that have been used for a few months.

 The truth is that there is no reason to put your protective gear in the washing machine. The heat can damage them so you should hand wash them. Furthermore, the spinning of the washing machine can break the leather or velcro parts of the shin guards.

For these reasons, it is essential that you don’t place your Muay Thai shin guards in the washing machine.


The right approach of washing your shin guards depends on the material that they are made out of. If they are made out of fabric, you can use a small amount of water and soap to get them cleaned.

If they are made out of leather, you can use a special leather cleaner for the front part. For the back, you can use a disinfectant to remove smells and dirt. 

Shin guards should be cleaned often. Most people don’t clean them at all or are not frequent enough. You should clean them at least once every few weeks to avoid problems. The same is true about boxing gloves and other Muay Thai gear. 

This ensures that your gear can last several months. Your sparring partner doesn’t want to deal with a smelly partner. You have to train together for more than an hour and it can be annoying for them if your gear smells. 

To avoid this problem, we have discussed several ways to clean your gear. Don’t use a washing machine or dryer for this as it will damage your gear. 

 Muay Thai is a type of kickboxing known for its high-energy, fast-paced action and frequent use of throwing and clinch attacks. It originated in Thailand more than 600 years ago and is still practiced there today. Muay Thai has evolved into a modern combat sport with roots in traditional martial arts. In addition to the striking with hands and feet, that’s so common in other forms of kickboxing, you’ll also see Muay Thai incorporate elements like clinch fighting, wrestling, oro-youthro (the use of the elbows), clinching, and even elbow striking. Whether you want to learn how to defend yourself or find a more intense form of exercise, you should give Muay Thai a try! Read on for more information about this exciting ancient art.

We have discussed how to clean shin guards for kickboxing here.